Using Auto Level
An Auto Level is a level with a compensator. You must take the following steps for its right set up.
•Set up the tripod as level as possible. Step on tripod legs to drive into the ground.
•Now attach the auto level to the tripod.
•Adjust the auto level in such a manner that bubble is centered in vial.
•Now adjust recital until the crosshairs are clear.
•Adjust the objective lens until your target object, which you are trying to see, is clear.
Checking Auto Level
Following are steps that should be followed for checking auto level for accuracy. This method is also suitable for a laser level or any other type of optical level. If using a auto or a dumpy level, take help of an assistant to hold the leveling staff. If you are using a laser level, you won't need an assistant. You can set it up and take the readings yourself. However, the principle for checking levels remain the same.
•Find a clear stretch of open ground. Mark two fixed points on the ground having a minimum difference of 100 meters between them so that you could find the exact spot for the staff (at least twice.)
•Set up the level in a manner that you are able to read without swinging the level too much. Then take the two readings at "A" and "B". Subtract the height at "B" from the height at "A". Now, suppose the difference is 132mm (for explanation purpose)
•Move and set up the level again between points "A" and "B". Take the two readings once again but this time, swing the level through about 180 degrees. Now measure the difference between the two readings again. The reading should be the same as before, that is 132mm.
•You might not get the same difference. For example, if it differs by 10mm then your level is out 5mm in 100 metres. If it is a matter of a couple of millimetres, you must not worry about it. Just ensure that the difference is not too much say about a a mile or so.
•Now you have a worst case measurement. From almost no movement of the level to a full 180 turn of the level to get the readings.
Checking Auto Level
Some Tips for Caring and Using Auto Levels
Here are some tips for you that will help you in taking care of your auto level as well as in properly using and checking it.
•If the auto or any other level gets wet, do not pack it back. Wipe down the instrument and dry it out. Pack up the level only when it is perfectly dry.
•Never touch the glass of auto level with fingers. Always use a soft lint-free cloth to clean the lens.
•Whenever you wish to use the instrument in field, check the level first, even if it is a laser level.
•Do not go to extremes for getting the bubble spot on, near enough is all right because the machine sets itself level if you get it into the ballpark.
•When using a dumpy level, keep your hands off it though you can touch it lightly in order to adjust it. Never lean upon a dumpy level.
•Set up to a single side so that you can level the job with the least amount of swinging around or changing position. Set up out of the way of working machinery, backhoes and the like.
With Regards,
G.M. Technical
Nunes Instruments
645 Hundred Feet Road,
Coimbatore. 641012.
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 09345226022
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