Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Application Notes on Capacitance Meters.

Capacitance meters are instruments that measure capacitance, the ability to store an electric charge. They are used to test, inspect and sort ceramic and other types of capacitors on production lines. In addition to frequency, capacitance meters are specified according to measurement parameters. Product specifications also include display range, test voltage, accuracy, measurement time, compensation, interface types, and functions. Some capacitance meters have two measurement speeds: short and long. Short-mode devices provide capacitance measurements more quickly, but are not accurate as long-mode capacitance meters.
Performance specifications for capacitance meters include allowable frequency range and accuracy; level range, resolution and accuracy; and output impedance at both 1 KHz and 1 MHz. Selecting capacitance meters also requires a consideration of cable length, measurement signal frequency, averaging range and resolution, time modes, internal and external trigger modes, trigger delay time, display time, display ranges, and display renewal timing. Functions are often described as compensation, comparator, data buffer, deviation measurement, low-C reject, and save or recall. Capacitance meters also carry specifications for power source, operating and storage environment, and product weight.
Capacitance meters may bear marks from various national and international approval organizations. For example, the European Union requires CE marks for all electric and electronic equipment that will be sold, or put into service for the first time anywhere in the European community.

G.M. Technical

Nunes Instruments

645 Hundred Feet Road,

Coimbatore. 641012.

Tamil Nadu


Web: www.nunesinstruments.com
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Mail: info@nunesinstruments.com

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